Ever had a small child draw a picture for you? Maybe it’s intended to be a picture of a house, but at first you think it might be… maybe a kangaroo… in a tornado…? And you’re like “Ohhh that’s so sweet. Good job, buddy.” And you pat him on the head and smile because he was eager and had so much fun drawing that picture?
That’s totally me! Eager. Having so much fun. But still trying to figure out how to make this house turn out like I imagined it in my head.
Hi there! I’m Kelly, and welcome to my blog!
This tiny corner of the web is where I chronicle our attempts to turn a once-tragic foreclosure into something a little less tragic – and do it all on a teensy little budget. We may never quite reach our destination, but I always want to try to enjoy the view along the way.
This is where I try out new ideas and learn – from experience and from the endlessly talented people who read and comment here. I have no idea what I’m doing, both in blogging or (obviously) in interior design. I’m just a girl who likes this kind of thing.
My husband, Andy, is the guy who makes these projects possible.

Here’s how this marriage works: I eagerly present my new ideas to my husband – usually overexcitedly, talking too quickly and gesturing wildly. He gives me a LOOK, like “WHAT did I marry?” – But then he uses his top-notch self-taught woodworking skills (usually courtesy of google) to make all my dreams come true.
Andy is a math teacher and an exceptional one at that. We’ve been married seven years and I’m the luckiest girl in the world.
(By the way, I don’t know what it is about video compared to photos, but it makes you feel like you’ve actually met someone, know what I mean? We just posted our first video together right here. We’re answering questions asked by readers, and exposing our weird neuroses and embarrassing blog photo secrets.)
And here are my two best little buddies.
Weston is almost three… (Here’s his birth story if you’re into that kinda thing!)
And sweet Mila Jane is 9 months old. (Here’s her birth story – part 1 and part 2.)
I love ’em. Obvs.
Finally, we don’t take any of this too seriously. Our home here on earth is temporary, and none of this matters in the end. What matters is living a life that gives glory to God, who gave everything to demonstrate his love for us. We are imperfect and learning, but so thankful that our imperfections are covered by His endless mercy and grace.
I’d love to hear from you! Send me a note at kelly@vatwblog.com. Thanks for dropping in!