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A day in Athens

There’s nothing like going home again.

Even if “home” is really just that place where you lived for four years during college, fell in love and got married, learned to love football and Jesus, and ate large quantities of pizza.

For me, that place is Athens, Ga., home of the bulldogs.

You already know
I love me some Shane and Shane, so when we heard they’d be performing in Athens yesterday, Andy and I decided to make a day of it.

We went to our old church, had lunch with good friends, then took a little step-back-in-time tour of the city.

First stop: to visit our first child.

When Andy and I were dating, we got a pet pig. Yes, literally. Her name was Lady, and she did tricks, used the litter box and once got lost, sending us knocking on neighbor’s doors asking if they’d seen a stray pig and posting “Lost pig: REWARD!” signs all over town.

When we moved to Colorado, we left Lady at a petting zoo nearby, where we knew she’d get lots of fancy treats. Somehow over the last three or four years, our sweet little piglet exploded into this giant hog:

She got FAT. Way fat. Don’t tell her I said that.

We also stopped by “the A-frame,” the house where Andy lived with a bunch of smelly college boys, where he first told me he liked me, where he proposed and where we lived our first year of marriage.

It’s always weird to see how other people have adapted your house. Because we all know it will always be OUR house that they’re living in.

We took Weston to the University of Georgia’s north campus for a picnic and a picture session. He loved lounging on the grass and working on his tan.

We stopped by the undergrad admissions office… you know, to make sure we didn’t miss Weston’s early registration for the 2028 graduating class.

At the end of the day, we checked in for a sweet little Shane and Shane concert. It was glorious. I wasn’t too worried about having their babies this time, because I already had my own. (Good thing Weston looks like Andy and not Shane and Shane, or Andy might be suspicious!)

At the end of the concert, Shane and Shane casually mentioned they’d be hanging out for a little mingling time afterward. You know I dug in my heels and refused to leave the room until we met them and got a picture!

By the way, what is it about photos-with-celebs that requires everyone to look their worst?!

It was a fantastic day, and so much fun to go back with Andy and reminisce about the places we used to go… you know, back when we were young. And could pull all-nighters, then spend the entire day on a volleyball court. Gorge on pizza, and still not be afraid to wear a swimsuit. Adopt a pet pig and not think twice about it.

Athens, I miss you.

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  1. Oh, a trip down memory lane … I can't even begin to count the lazy afternoons I spent on Herdy field studying (or not). I don't jsut miss Athens, I miss college life!

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