I married a crazy kid. Can I tell you why?
Because this weekend he jumped over a 12-foot bar and built a bed in 20 minutes.
Sign of Craziness #1:
We went to Michigan to visit Andy’s family last weekend. They live near the beach, where there’s an annual pole vaulting competition right in the sand just yards from the water. Andy was a pole-vaulter in high school and college, so he entered the competition and successfully jumped over a 12-foot bar – about one and a half stories high – having not pole vaulted in about eight years. Check this out:
Isn’t that awesome plus crazy? He scored first in his age group, but only three people competed in that bracket, which made for an awkward award ceremony later.
Meanwhile, I scored first in my age group for cheering-from-the-sidelines, successfully getting a decent tan and once jumping over a small piece of trash. (Hold your applause, please.)
Sign of Craziness #2:
Andy’s grandparents decided to spend the night with all of us at Andy’s brother’s house unexpectedly, but the only place for them to sleep was an inflatable mattress on the floor. That’s not gonna fly when getting up and down off the floor is a physical challenge.
I was off getting a glorious pedicure at the time, but if I’d known about the situation, this is the thought process that would have gone through my head:
- Let’s see if we can switch up the sleeping situation so the grandparents can have a real bed.
- If that doesn’t work, let’s try to book a hotel room for them.
- No hotel rooms? Why don’t we let them stay at a relative’s house nearby?
But this is the thought process that went through Andy’s head:
- Let’s go to the home improvement store and see if we can build a bed in 20 minutes or less.
“Okay, whatever you want, honey,” I said, while the nice lady was massaging my feet – which is exactly what I’ll say anytime I’m getting the massage portion of a pedicure.

This is not normal behavior. Do the men in your life do this? Set challenges for themselves, then jump over the bar they’ve set – literally? Also, when will men realize that we’ll agree to any hare-brained scheme from the pedicure chair at the spa?
(PS: This purply-pink nail polish is rocking my world day and night.)
(PPS: We considered including a tutorial for this silly little platform, but then determined that it would be the least valuable tutorial in the history of Al Gore’s internet.)
Crazy and slightly AWESOME!! So what did they do with the bed when the grandparents left?
You know I did feel as though our state was slightly off center last weekend. Thanks for the explanation. It was andy’s landing that threw us off our natural orbital path.
Moved enough to comment from.the elliptical via the iPad whenever I see the word Michigan in a post!
Wow! Go Andy! (And you for totally owning the piece of garbage.) I don’t know which is more impressive, the pole vault or the under 20 minute bed building! 🙂
Stopping over from the Mustard Ceiling Mix & Mingle Party. I loved the headboard you just did. I’m thinking of doing one myself seeing as we have no headboard at the moment. I’m following now!
Holy wow your hubs is pretty crazy awesome amazeballs! I love the pic of you and W on the beach! 🙂
HILARITY all around!
Haha FIRST of all, I’m so glad you put up pics of the pole vaulting! Very impressive. Second of all, I laughed so hard at the your thoughts vs your hubs’ thoughts on making a bed. That is so funny. My thought process would have followed yours exactly. Glad it worked out!!!
Here from the Mustard Ceiling Party — don’t you just love Grand Haven? Any time we need some beach time, or boardwalk time, or Musical Fountain time that’s where we head. I love Michigan in the summer!
sooooo awesome. and manly.
thanx for sharing!!!