Once upon a time, a meeeeeellion years ago, I told you I was almost done with my DIY upholstered platform bed. That was in March. (*Embarrassed cringe.*)
For REALZ this time. It’s now like four seconds away from being done, and I’m STOKED. (If you missed those other posts, you can start here, then follow the links at the bottom of the posts.)
But first. We need to have a talk, you and me.
Remember when we collectively decided on which fabric to use? We all did it together, because my husband Andy got (unreasonably) worried that I might change my mind on the fabric choice, decide I hate the bed and make him start over about five minutes after we finished it.
{Okay, JUST because I’ve done that once or twice or every single time we make any decision, ever… doesn’t mean I’m going to do it again, right? TOTALLY unreasonable, that guy.}
We landed on this fabric, Robert Allen textured weave in “Sand”:
I ordered it. It arrived. I was thrilled. Until… (*More embarrassed cringing.*)
I put the roll of fabric on the floor of our bedroom to await the upholstering, and suddenly realized it blended almost exactly with the carpet color, which would make my bed camouflaged in the room, virtually disappearing into the carpet. You probably wouldn’t even know the bed was there. It would just look like a floating mattress and you’d be like “WHOA. How is that mattress floating in thin air? I can’t see any bed around it! This is incredible! You guys are geniuses!”
THEN. I had a dream. A dream about a white bed. There were angels, happiness and unicorns. I woke up with the decision made.
For some reason, they agreed to let me return it – maybe my loud, whiny groveling was a turnoff to other customers? – and I officially changed my fabric choice.
Now, for the record:
This totally doesn’t count as me changing my mind. (Andy.) It came to me in a dream, and you don’t ignore that. It was practically written in the clouds, a personal message from God to me. Right? Definitely.
You guys are cool with this, right? I hope you will be when you see the finished product. I think it’s MAH-velous. I was going to show you the upholstery process today, but suddenly this post is feeling a teensy bit wordy. (“Suddenly?,” you are retorting silently to yourself.)
So tune in next time to see dreams take shape. What do you think? Am I crazy? Have you ever dreamed about how to decorate a room?
Follow along with the whole tutorial on this post!

Hooray for Joann’s being pleasant. Sometimes they are grouchy! Love the unicorn picture. It was well worth those <45 minutes. 😉
I also get the raised eyebrow–rolling eyes–good-natured sigh from Rick when I change my mind (again). I think I'm getting better…my goal is contentment! 🙂
Woohoo! Yay for easy exchanges at JoAnns! 🙂 I can’t wait to see how it turns out! 🙂
Um, can you imagine what my husband did when I decided to pull out all the staples on my headboard and try to re-staple the next day, THEN cut off the dome and start over again?? I am the most indecisive person ever…well besides you, I guess…lol
Husbands just don’t get the need for things to be perfect…at all times..and things change. I get it.
Excited to see this bed!
Any help in decorating is a good thing. Dreams are cheaper than a decorator, right?
Great point! Now if I could just hire my dreams to pick out window
treatments… :).
hahaha hilarious post – love the unicorn! can’t wait to see the finished product – make sure to have brownies or beer afterwards for your hubby to thank him! 🙂