From the BlogSubscribe Now

A bunch of random junk

1. First reason why I’m freaking out

This baby girl is due in 8 weeks, less if she comes early like her big brother. And guess what I’ve done in her nursery? EXACTLY NOTHING. Not any things. If I make pizza, will you guys all come over and just knock it out in one afternoon? Kthanks.

2. Second reason why I’m freaking out

You may have heard that Google Friend Connect is ending for all non-blogger blogs. (Which includes this one.) So if you follow the blog using this widget, you’ll STOP getting all my new posts as of March 1.
This should STRIKE FEAR INTO YOUR SOUL. It does mine: I can think of nothing worse than losing you as a reader, so I hope you’ll stick around and subscribe in a different way. Fortunately, we have options!

  • Click here to get new posts in your email inbox.
  • Click here to subscribe via RSS feed. (Not sure what RSS means? This post has a great overview of how to follow blogs the easy way.)
  • Click here and “like” the page to get updates in your facebook news feed.
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  • Or you can use the new LinkyFollowers tool, right over there in my sidebar on the right under the Blog Roll. (You’ll have to click over to my page to see it.)

Got a question about any of this? Send me at note!

3. Call for Guest Posts!

Do you have an amazing before-and-after you’d like to share here? I’m looking for some solid guest posts to share for the first couple weeks after the baby girl invasion begins.

It could be a whole room or just one project or something in between, and it’s cool if you’ve already posted it on your own blog. (It’s also cool if you’re not a blogger, but just want to give us all something to ooh and ahh over!)

If you’d like to guest post, please send me a note and let’s get something worked out!

4. A before-and-after I forgot about

I realized recently that I never put before and after pics of our powder room on the house tour page. If you’re new here, you can see the details on that room by clicking here. (And here are those before-and-afters for ya!):

4. Let’s MEET!

Are you going to the Haven Conference for bloggers in June? If you are, let me know so I can look for you! I’m super excited to be there and want to meet everyone. I want to meet everyone.

5. Thank you, buddies!

It’s been so insightful and awesome to read your survey responses. I’m always floored when anyone even takes a moment comment here, so the fact that you stopped to fill that out for me makes me get all giddy. You guys have offered some pretty solid advice and thoughts and I appreciate every response.
I debated posting the input here, so if you’re interested in seeing the results, let me know and I’ll post them. If you DIDN’T respond, we can still be friends. I’m just glad you’re here.

Let's connect


  1. Yikes! That’s a lot of freaking out! I must admit that I am freaking out about GFC too! I’ve never heard of Linky so you might very well have saved my blog’s life! Also, your powder room looks fantastic! I really really really really love your vanity!

  2. 8 weeks Kelly!! I’m so excited for you! Can’t wait to hear all about your baby girl! Your bathroom reno is beautiful, I don’t think I’ve seen it before. I adore that mirrored vanity!!

  3. Gurrrrrrl I feel ya. I’ve got 13 weeks left and I’m FREAKING out too!! Except this is my first, so I have no idea what to expect. 🙁

    All I know is that NOTHING has been done to the nursery. Nothing. You can’t even find our couch right now, much less get to the nursery… which looks about the same as the living room. *sigh*

    Don’t believe me. Check this out:

    ughhhhh… we’ll get there, right? Other Moms keep telling me that baby doesn’t use nursery the first few months anyway. That makes me feel better. Even if just a little.

  4. OK, so I can’t believe you haven’t started on the nursery. I’ll totally make a trip to GA to help out but for those of us who aren’t as committed, you should do a linky party with everyone linking up their olioboards with plans for your nursery! I think that would be fun. You could even set up parameters like “must use this crib, this dresser and this wall color.” or something like that.

    I’m so in for a guest post. I’ll email you about that too.

  5. well i just gave up flour products for lent, but if you make me a giant salad , maybe even in a trough, i will come help. 😉
    and you know i will be at haven- woot!
    and LOOOOVE the bathroom!
    and i’d be happy to do a guest post for you.

  6. Oooooh 8 weeks! You guys must be so excited! How does Weston feel about becoming a big brother? (If he really understands yet?)

    And I’m totally up for a trip to Georgia, pizza or not. 🙂

  7. 8 Weeks!!! So exciting! I’m up for a GA roadtrip…fire up the oven…mama likes pepperoni. 😉

  8. Thanks for the heads up about your friend connect. I’ll switch my subscription over to google reader :). I would be SAD if I missed your posts! And, I’ll be at Haven this spring!

  9. I agree wholeheartedly with April that the baby doesn’t use the nursery all that much for the first while so don’t sweat it. On the other hand, it’s a heck of a lot easier shopping for anything without a baby and toddler in tow! I’m surprised that someone who is so design addicted hasn’t jumped all over this super fun room. Looking forward to seeing what you put together.

  10. Two months to go! (Does that sound longer than 8 weeks?) I can totally empathize. We painted our nursery and assembled the cribs exactly six days before our girls were born. In fact, the last preggo pic I have is of me crashed on the nursery loveseat while hubby and grandpa assembled cribs. The girls didn’t sleep in the nursery for a couple months anyway, and it stayed sparsely decorated for a full year. But we actually didn’t spend much time in there (not because it was undecorated), so I’m glad we used our last weeks to tackle projects in other spaces that the whole family lives in all the time. Especially since pretty much all our projects stopped cold for a looong time. (i’m sure you’ll be back in the saddle much quicker.) Obviously you need to get some very basics tended to in your nursery, but if other projects would drive you more nuts to have undone for a while, maybe your efforts are better spent there. (And you won’t get kicked out of blogdom if your nursery isn’t tip top design fantastico. 🙂

  11. 1. You are going to be a wonderful mommy-of-two when baby girl arrives!!! I can’t believe you are already only 8 weeks out. It seems like just yesterday you were announcing it! 🙂

    2. I un-GFC’d and RSS’s a while back so I will still be here. I stuck on you like white on rice.

    3. HAVEN!! I’m coming! I think. Still working on that but for now I’M COMING! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  12. You have PLENTY of time. Seriously. You’ll be fine.

    I really want to go to Haven. Something in me is telling my cheap self to just do it. Maybe I’ll check out tickets to Atlanta right now. Will you pick me up from the airport?

  13. That’s a lot of freaking out! Deep breaths – you’ll be ok! My poor little guy is a year old next month and has never really had a nursery. Our house was for sale when we had him, and now we’re in a rental, so he’s just been in a room with furniture! Boo. Linky following. 🙂

  14. What a fun post – 8 weeks, eh? Yay!!! I’m Linky Following you too!

  15. Hahaha, I was thinking this was going to be a post about junk items found…well, I guess it is. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to settle down a little bit, man do you have a lot going on.

    I have been seriously considering going to Haven…it’s the flight cost I can’t past. 🙁

    Hopefully pregnancy has treated you well.

  16. I’m going to Haven! so I hope I get a chance to meet you there! I’m a fellow Georgia girl and lover of Christ and I’d love to connect with some local bloggers (I’m a very new blogger, but claiming the title anyway :)).

    Are you planning to stay at the hotel? I’m still debating it even though I’ve reserved a room, I live close up to drive back and forth, but far enough to consider staying at the hotel as well (and I don’t want to miss the hanging out fun).


  1. […] you the plan and you can help me make final decisions, then we can all meet up together for that pizza-and-chocolate-and-nursery-finishing party we talked about a while back. (Attendance is […]

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