Last weekend, a large deal-hungry crowd of ferocious hunters descended upon several local thrift shops for I Love Thrifting Day in Atlanta.
Looks like a pretty vicious group, right? READY TO ATTACK.
Before we set out on our mission, we met for breakfast at a tasty local shop to get sustenance and energy for our trek.
I knew it would be a dirty mission. I would need to be in my peak deal-hunting condition to snag the greatest finds. So I brought my secret weapon:
Baby Mila has a sharp eye for great deals and a fearsome poker face for negotiating. She’s a master thrifter.
I also joined up with my buddy Lisa who blogs over at Before Meets After.
And you might know some of these fun ladies who we shopped with. (Ended that sentence with a preposition. And you can’t stop me! BOOM. *Drops mic*)
Lisa and I hit three stores before we had to drop out. One of them was an antique market. Check out this wall of tchotchkes! Makes my little heart swoon. I need Andy to build me another bookshelf wall so I can justify purchasing another zoo full of useless figurines.

In this photo, Mila is carefully surveying her surroundings, methodically examining each piece with a critical, master eye. She knows what’s up.

Before I could even take that photo, she had already picked out the best finds from this booth and had at least twelve over-the-top creative makeover ideas for them.
Look at this chinese chippendale barstool!! Did you know such a creature even existed?! They match my chinese chippendale chairs in my breakfast nook perfectly. But there was only ONE. And I have no use for ONE (or any). So I cried a little and left it there.
Let me tell you about what it’s like to shop with other DIY bloggers. It’s CRAZY DANGEROUS. They know the power of spray paint. They see things for what they COULD be. They make you buy things!
I ended up with these two things which will be getting makeovers soon. Eventually. After they take up space for several months.
The moral of this story is that it’s both a great idea and a bad idea to shop with other DIYers. The other moral is that you should not even try to out-shop my tiny baby.
Have you hit any thrift stores lately? Why didn’t you come to #ILoveThrifting day?! Don’t you think Mila needs her own blog?
I like that Mila does all her scouting with her eyes closed. Keeps the competition off-guard. You should probably double secret password protect the trust fund. It’s likely she already has stealth piggy bank access and an Amazon Prime account.
That Mila….she really knows how to spot a bargain. Next we are going to see her on Antiques Roadshow….LOL!
I need to go thrifting with some experts like Mila (and you). I am so lost in a thrift shop, get overwhelmed, and need to exit and find a Dunkin Donuts asap. How fun to do it en masse and find some treasures along the way!
What fun we had, Kelly! Loved your little partner in crime. You girls were great to hang out with, can’t wait to do it again. I’ve got a table to paint myself!
get mila away from my goodwill…. she is a threat.
That Mila is a shrewd thrifter! You’re so lucky to have her as your personal bargain hunter extraordinaire!
1. thrifting is awesome.
2. Mila is stinking cute.
3. did you SERIOUSLY just have a baby like not that long ago??? you look fabulous!!
Please let me know the next time there is an I Love Thrifting Day! I’ll head over from Athens and join in the fun. 😀
Can I take Mila with me next time I go thrifting? That’s today. Well, if yard sales count. If she could be here in the next, say, 30 minutes, that would be great. Thanks. 😀
If Mila starts her own blog, I will die. Death by cuteness overload.
Look at you powering through the Chinese chippendale chair! I still need to learn how to rein in my chair compulsions.
Glad you had fun! Can’t wait to see what you do with those pieces!
SO my question is – when will Mila start her own blog about thrifting! She needs to be sharing her expertise with the internets, don’t you think??
Haha! I think I’ll need to borrow Mila on my next thrifting mission.
Mila is BEAST at thrifting AND a doll baby to boot. She could always just cry to make another DIY blogger hand over a treasure you/she really wanted (or bat those adorable eye lashes!). Fun day ~ let’s do it again!
xo Heidi
PS- I SAVED you from buying that gallon glass jug. Just remember that. 😉
If you push me around in a something comfy I promise to keep as good an eye on the bargains as Mila does.
HA!!! Love the comment about ending the sentence with a preposition and then dropping the mic. Total GangstaThrift. Mila is so cute {but don’t let it fool you, she’s a sharp one!}
that stool is amazing! wish there were 2! I bet you could use Mila’s adorableness to distract other thrifters while you grab the best items :). Can’t wait to see what you do with those two!
I’m not sure I would want to thrift in a group of thrifters, or with Mila … a grown woman pushing a baby out of the way is never a good thing!! 🙂
I need to take Mila thrifting with me! We’d be a power team that no mere thrifting mortal could defeat! Call me when she’s out of diapers!!
What a fun day! Here’s to loving thrifting!
Oh, I will read each and every sage word that Mila shares on her very own baby blingy blog! And how fun to hang out with such amazing ladies for the day! I am seriously jealous …
I saw all the buzz on FB! Looks like you and sweet lil Mila had a blast 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you do with your finds!