This post has two parts. First, I’m guest posting over at This, That and Life today sharing some stuff I’m lovin’. You guys would love Anneke’s blog! Head that way for my favorite thrifty Pottery Barn alternative for the kitchen, home and fashion trends I’m digging, and a photo of a glossy newborn elephant. YES.
You may be familiar with the Ryan Gosling “hey girl” memes that swept pinterest and set unreasonable standards of boyfriend- and husband-perfection for our real-life men.
In honor of Valentines day, let’s celebrate our real-life men! (And other loves. If you’re single, don’t tune me out yet!)

Let’s be honest. Your husband/boyfriend/significant other’s greatest Valentines day wish is to have the ryan gosling hey-girl treatment done to one of his photos. I don’t care what he says. It’s what he’s always dreamed of.
No matter how adamantly he denies it.
That’s why next Thursday, February 7, I’ll be hosting a “Hey Girl” link party right here. Here’s how it’ll work. You find your sultriest photos of your man and hey-girl-ify him. You can use something he’s actually said in real life, or just something you dream of hearing him say someday.
Bloggers: Share your hey-girl-ified photos on your blog for some Valentines day fun and silliness and invite your readers to come back here to link up too!
Non-bloggers: You are so, SO invited to this party! Create your hey girl photos, then upload them to pinterest, flickr or anywhere on the web, and come back here to add them to the party. (Here’s how to upload a pin. Once you upload it, copy the URL and paste it into the link party code which you’ll find here on February 7. If you need help, send me a note!)
All the single ladies (and guys!): This party is for you too! Just hey-girl-ify your favorite celeb, your dog, a piece of chocolate cake, or whatever you love.
Co-hosts: I’ll be cohosting this party with some of my favorite hilarious home bloggers. You can add your link to any of our pages on February 7th and it’ll be hosted across all five of our sites.
- Ashley at Domestic Imperfection
- Bliss at Bliss Ranch
- Chelsea at Two Twenty One
- Michelle at Decor and the Dog
You’re on deadline. The link party opens Feb 7 and closes Feb 13!
One important piece of advice: Don’t believe anything he says. He totally wants you to do this.
As you can imagine, Andy is SO thrilled about this idea. He’s so excited that the only way to express his excitement is with an outward appearance of reluctance. I love being able to check his greatest dream off his list for Valentines day. Will you join me here next week? 🙂

P.S.: Don’t forget to swing by This, That and Life and say hi to Anneke for me!
Linking to: TT&J
This is hilarious and I love it!
Oh yay! How fun! I know what the hey girl phrase will be. I don’t know if I should actually use a nice photo of him (one of my favorites) or poke more fun with his horrible hairdo pictures. Poor guy, I always use those. Maybe I should make two, to show that he cleans up well 😉
Oh my goodness, I can’t wait!!! This is going to be the best thing ever!
this is crazy but in a great way!! see you next week!
Seriously, I’m laughing already. I’m pretty sure when Brawn finds out I won’t be getting any chocolates for Valentines Day!
OMG this is too funny! And Joel is going to be super excited about this idea, I just KNOW it!
So funny! Count me in!
Hahaha! Yes, yes and yes. This is going to be fun! 🙂
Okay, my husband looked like Ryan Gosling when he was in high school. Seriously. I just scanned an old photo of him and will be seriously “Hey Girling” it up!!!!! How fun!
🙂 Linda
This is really going to be awesome haha.
Considering I just posted up a bunch of photos today of my hubby in honor of his birthday (baby to adult ha)…I may have to pass!!! Nahhhh….I’m in. 😉 What the heck…he’s a blog picture post veteran now. lol …
This cracks me up!!!!
This is hysterical! Valentine’s Day is my 26th wedding anniversary. Think my hubby will like this?
Now this sounds like a FUN link party! It’s OK if I help you promote it (thru, huh? I can’t wait to see all of the pics 🙂
OK, I am home sick today and I have the giggles because I just hey girlifed some already! Too much fun!
What a cute idea and a fun party! Oh my ~ I love when I see those pics around now I have to start thinking about something to do for this…hmmm!
Have a great weekend!
I. Can’t. Wait.
Epic. Link. Party.
I’m so excited about this! And so is Jesse, but shhhh… don’t tell! 😉
Best. Idea. Ever.
What a fun idea! I don’t think my guy would like his photo online but I’ll definitely be watching for what this turns out like!
Oh my gosh this is awesome! I will SO be doing this! Any tips on how to ‘hey girlify’ a picture for a beginner with no photography programs? I can’t wait to do this! : )
Yay, I’m SO glad you’ll be participating! You can use to add text to a photo, or there’s good ol’ microsoft paint!
Ha ha ha ha. Omg, I can’t even handle this. I’m late to the “hey girl” meme. Just spent some time checking out Ryan on Pinterest and seriously had to work on not peeing my pants. Can’t wait to see what readers come up with. Dying…
That made me giggle what a fabulous idea!!
Kelly you are too stinkin funny! Hilarious idea!
haha! What a fun idea!
Just the thought of doing this makes me laugh out loud with tears. My hubby would FLIP.OUT.
Is it time yet? I’m getting impatient to see what everyone comes up with!