Progress in the foyer, y’all!
Remember a few weeks ago when it was sad, and neutral, and boring? (Except the magnetic letters. They were FUN. And educational.)
Then I got my Turkish kilim rug and we turned an old yard sale headboard into a bench.

But across from the bench? Sadness.

A lonely little table that Andy built years ago to fit the foyer of a different house. It was his first woodworking project (AndILoveHimButItShowed.)
It always looked dinky there so we’d been hoping to upgrade it for years. Well well well! The day has come! Check ‘er out!

Andy built that.
True story. Out of wood, and power, and masculinity. #MarriedHimForAReason
The new table fits the space so much better than the old one. The bigger size is my favorite thing!

And the way it looks. That’s my other favorite thing.
It was inspired by the table I LOVED in this photo, but you can’t find anything that fits our foyer perfectly, so we knew a DIY was in order.
I’m so happy to be partnering with for this quick little rundown of our process and concept. Our table is 32.5 inches tall, 13.5 inches deep and 30 inches wide. Those dimensions are really random and that size would look awkward anywhere else, so for this tutorial I’ll mostly spare you the dimensions and show you the concept so you could make your own whatever size works for you.
(You may need different size materials depending on your table size.)
- 1 sheet of MDF
- 4 2x2x3 boards – we used poplar
- 3 1x2x8 boards (poplar)
- Lacquer paint and primer (We used the Furniture Lacquer Spray from Amy Howard at Home)
- 3M Safety Products
- 3M™ SandBlaster™ Sanding Sheets
- wood glue
1. Cut your materials
Once you decide what size table to make for your space, cut two pieces of MDF that size. (You’ll glue them together so your top is extra thick.) Cut four legs to the height you want your table to be and sketch out the fretwork design. (It’ll be different depending on how tall you make your table.)
2. Notch the boards in the center
We used a table saw with a dado blade to make these little notches in the wood so we could fit the pieces together like Lincoln Logs. (Andy tells me that’s called a half-lap joint, but you and I both know the official term is “like Lincoln Logs.”)
3. Join the pieces
Glue the two pieces of MDF together with wood glue and clamp them together until they’re dry. (We cut our pieces a little larger, glued them together, then cut them to the correct size.
Fit the fretwork pieces together and join them with wood glue, then connect them to the legs of the table with pocketholes. Use pocketholes to connect the legs to the MDF top.
4. Sand and Paint
Fill the pocketholes with pockethole plugs, caulk all the joints and lightly mud around the MDF top to disguise the seam. Then sand it ’til it’s smooth as butta! Andy used the 3M™ SandBlaster™ Fine Sanding Sheets around all the corners so they’re safer for the kiddos.
Speaking of safe, check out how hard he’s rocking that 3M Tekk eyewear. *Wolf whistle*
Weston saw daddy wearing “the cool glasses” and he had to take a turn too.
Oh, that little buddy. We taught him to say “safety first!” because it’s adorable and laying the proper foundation for safety and extreme nerddom. We’re hoping when he’s in high school riding in cars with friends, he’ll be the kid that goes, “Put on your seatbelts, guys. Safety first!” hahahahaha. Is that cruel?
But seriously. I’m never letting him out of my sight.
We painted the table with a new-to-us furniture lacquer spray that the people at Amy Howard at Home sent us. You apply it just like spray paint and it ends up with this glossy, lacquery finish. I dig it.
* * *
Not that I was impatient for that at ALL.

I found the blue ottoman at HomeGoods. Not sure yet if I’ll keep it? The pink lamp with the blue ottoman is feeling a little bit bubblegum candy for me. Do you know what I mean by that? I just see it and think, that is bubblegum sweet. I might want something a little grubbier. Do you think it needs less bubblegum and more grubbiness? Are those actual words to describe decor?
You know what I LOVE? The table, from every single angle.
With the new addition, our foyer is JUST about finished. I just want to make a couple last-minute touches and we’ll stick a fork in it.

(UPDATE: If you want to check out a video tutorial to make one of your own, Fred at created two youtube tutorials which you can check out here: part 1 and part 2.)
What’s going on in your world? Tell me things.
This post is a collaboration with 3M DIY. To keep up-to-date on projects, products and sampling visit Don’t forget to connect with the 3M DIY Twitter Page and the 3M DIY Facebook Page !
wow, kelly!!! looks AMAZING! love the fun pink lamp, and the blue pouf, too! and love your men- like father like son!
I agree with Cassie. It looks amazing. I won’t change a thing if it was mine. That lamp with the pouf makes a statement like I never seen before. Well done.
Absolutely awesome table and all together an awesome space. What really grabbed my attention (other than the fab table) is that pink lamp and how it brought the kilim rug together with the space. Wonderful!
OH YES PLEASE! This is so cool and hip and pretty and awesome.
Love them lamp and blue footstool too.
Love it! It’s amazing!
Terrific table and sensational styling! The blue pouf has the perfect shape to be paired with your table and the rug. And I love the pouf with the pink lamp. It’s such a happy little space!
I love, love, love the rug and the table! Well done. Erin
HOw do I get my man to delve into word working?! There are so many projects I would force him into! You are a lucky lady- that table is so perfect. ANd I am dying to get my hands on that lacquer spray!
I loooooove it! I need a table for my front hall that is roughly 14″x26″ and at least 20″ tall. It is impossible to find small accent tables so I am debating building one myself. maaaaaay steal your plans 😉
I like the pouf, especially the color. Blink Pink is my favorite color and I like it on the lamp but I can also see that it might be a bit bold.
I’ve never done this myself, nor have I seen or read about doing this but would it be possible to tone down the lamp a bit by putting some type of color wash on it? A very thin white, maybe? Just a little something to knock the edge off the “blink-ness” of the pink?
Those are some SERIOUS building skills! That is so incredibly gorgeous, Kelly…the entire setting! And I say a big fat YES for the blue ottoman, and the lamp! Simply perfect!
Wow! That is IMPRESSIVE. I love it! Have you thought about painting the mirror above the table for a little extra oomph? Perhaps gold? Just a thought!
Beautiful table! And I love the blue footstool with the pink lamp. I think it is just the right amount of bubblegum! Great job!!
Okay, love the table. But what’s distracting me is the reflection of a woman in the 5th picture down. In the mirror it looks like there’s a ghost in the lower left! Is that you? It doesn’t really look like you and the picture opposite above the bench doesn’t have a woman in it. Eeeeerie!
That table is way cool. I’m jealous, my guy is a mess in the shop. He would run away and hide if I brought him a pic of that table and asked to make it for me. I’m on the fence about the cushion, I really like it but I get the bubble gum issue. I think if it were darker then it would be perfect.
Wow, I love it! Your husband did an amazing job.
Um. YES.
oh my goodness! I LOVE that! Maybe someone at my house needs a table saw for Christmas. And boys and cars–eek! Maybe we can campaign together to get the driving age here raised to….25? or so.
ughhhhh I’m drooling. It looks amazing, he did a great job and everything works together SO WELL. I give you one million internet points. hurrah!
Love this!!! Can I rent your hubby for the weekend?! Just to build things, promise!
Kelly, as someone who is anti-bubblegum-decor, I must emphasize that your new foyer decor does NOT resemble that kind of a mess – it is SO fun with your kilim rug! I’m headed to HomeGoods now to try and find that ottoman. And even though you photographed the work in progress it is still hard to believe its a DIY. Lastly, some antique gold Rub-n-Buff on your mirror frame would be the perfect touch to contrast with the pink lamp and tie in to the gold tacks on the ottoman. Great, great job, you guys!
OMG! That table is gorgeous! I absolutely love it! You guys seriously did a fantastic job! Way to go!
Love, love, love the rug!!! (Also liked the magnetic letters…put them back!)
That is AMAZING! It is gorgeous and fits perfectly in the space!!
Half-lap/Lincoln Logs: loved that! Your writing makes me smile. Your entryway is gorgeous!
Holy moly, I couldn’t love it more!! It’s such a great mix and, of course, so special because it was handmade by your cute handymen! The bubble gum totally works for me, but maybe you’d like a black or charcoal stool. 🙂
This is too good Kelly. I’ve pinned in the hopes that maybe someday I’ll must enough courage to try it myself. 🙂
I am so excited you posted this! I have been looking for a table like this for a bare spot in my living room. This is perfect. I’m going to have to get everything together so my partner will get to work on it. (For me it works best that way!)
Wooooo! It’s so pretty and fancy and I’m totally impressed!
When I saw the picture, all I could say was “WOW”! What a talented husband you have! That’s a perfect table for the space. And please don’t change our the lamp or the stool! They’re PERFECT!
I almost bought that very stool myself by have no where at all to put it. You absolutely do, and that lamp is divine. Very fresh and sophisticated, not bubblegummy at all to me.
AAAACK!! I FREAKING LOVE IT! Oh that boy of yours is a clever clever clogs. Definitely a keeper.
Honestly, I can’t believe he DIY’d that. Amazing and works SO WELL in that space. Deffo jealous of his mad skillz and your new little beauty. Bet you’re late for everywhere at the moment because you would have to just stand there taking in the gorgeousness before you walk out the door.
Love this!!! Your hubby is so handy…would you mind if I borrowed him for a weekend 🙂 The table turned out great and I love the pink lamp!! It’s definitely bright and a little bubble gummy but I think it looks great with the rug!
WOW that is one rocking console table. I totally LOVE it!!! I also love the blue ottoman. I think it should stay. Rather change out the lamp than the ottoman, I say. But I love it with that pink lamp actually. I stands up nicely to the rug and doesn’t let it steal all the attention 🙂 What a fabulous project. You have a keeper there. Table AND man 🙂 and otto-man 🙂 hahah
Holy amazing! This is incredible! What a stunning piece of furniture. He did great. It goes beautifully in your entry way!
Ok, first I have to tell you that once I saw what you were writing about today, I scrolled down this post so slowly, taking in every single thing I possibly could with the anticipation of a little kid on Christmas morning! (I know it’s sad, I have no life) And I wasn’t disappointed! Andy is definitely a keeper and this table makes the old table look like it was built by your little guy! Very talented that man, and you!
Love the pink lamp, but like you, I think you need grubbiness in the ottoman, it’s too shockingly new and hurts my eyes :O ooops, did I say that out loud? Over-all I love it to pieces! Going back to look at all the pictures again 😀
LOVE the table, and that blue pouf? I. Die.
Ok so, I’m not really a fan of pink on a good day, so I’m thinking maybe pick up the brassy tacks in a gorgeous shiny lamp? Like one of those faux-mercury glass ones that has flecks of the brassy gold in it too? Just a thought. It’s not because I’m lusting after one of those lamps. Nope, not. at. ALL.
THIS IS FAB. He has come a long way building furniture!! love it.
Love the table, Kelly!!! So so so pretty and perfect for that spot!
ANDY+KELLY=DIY LOVE!! I love that so much! Looks awesome in the foyer, perfect size for that spot and I love when you find an inspirational piece and can figure out how to work that into your own home. The lamp and stool are really pretty in that spot, but I’m curious about grubbine up the lamp. Maybe it needs to go fuschi-er? Like darker but still in that pink family without it being cranberry-ish. Jeez, does that even make any sense? I love that pop of pink and you can leave it exactly like that and it’s fab, it’s a pretty shade of pink. Ooh, or maybe a black or silk-y dark charcoal shade with gold or silver inside would make it less bubble gum to you.
You crack me up about Weston. Safety first!! 🙂
Beautiful Kelly!!!! I absolutely love it! xo Kristin
great job on the table; very pretty and love how you have styled it Kelly with the blue pouf and the pink lamp; love it! I think you should keep the blue pouf (very pretty) 🙂
SO GREAT!!! I love it!!! I see what you mean about “bubblegum.” Maybe a pouf but in black? Or something? Or just let the kids play to heck with that pouf and it will look grubby in no time. 🙂
Love the new look!
Love the table but the lampshade is a little overpowering. Think a tall and narrow lamp would work better.
1) Did not know that style was called fretwork. I like the name. I always said “you know, all geometry like”. But fretwork is cooler.
2) I like the lamp! And I am so not a pink girl. I think it’s the shiny lamp on the shiny table.
3) Really, I got nothin for three but I didn’t like to leave it at two… Oh, I know! We’ve actually had some intermittent fall weather here! But I’ve done no fall decorating. I prefer to save it up and go all out at Christmas, right after Thanksgiving and as long as my husband can stand it in January. 🙂
Well, probably no big surprise here but I LOVE this. My overwhelming thought right now, though, is why in the WORLD I do not have this dado blade you speak of. And why do I not know what it is?? I am going to immediately.
Kelly that table looks AMAZING!!!! I am so impressed with your husbands carpentry skills!!! I love the size and shape of the ottoman but maybe would be better in a light brown worn leather. Just a thought!
Freakin’ amazing Andy! I love it and that lamp. It works so well with your bright happy foyer! The blue ottoman isn’t bright enough for me to think bubblegum, but if it bother you what about putting a worn leather ottoman in there. That could be gorgeous to an already stunning space. Seriously girl what a statement when you walk in the door!
Awesome! 🙂 I built our dining table top and dining chair backs with a similar design, but I had no idea it was called fretwork. Loved seeing the Lincoln Log notches; since I am addicted (it seems) to seeing how things are built! =D
Seriously- your entry has made such the transformation. What a handy husband you have! Beautiful table. But can I be honest that I’m really still obsessing over that rug. It’s just soooo perfect!
Well my jaw about dropped when you said Andy made that. GO ANDY!!! Truthfully, the style of the table is not really “me” but I love the ottoman! I think you should change/spray the lamp and keep the ottoman. Agreed that as-is, it’s too candy sweet.
Wow Kelly, love the table. You have one talented husband and one very cute little boy (your son, not your husband…um I guess he is cute too?) Anyway…love the colors and can’t wait to see it all done. I wouldn’t say that I think the lamp and ottoman is too bubblegum, but I would say follow your gut or every time you walk by it you will question it. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, that is so awesome! I love the pink lamp and blue ottoman. It looks so good with your rug!
It’s beautiful! Kudos to you and Andy. I love the pink lamp – it looks great with the rug. Maybe a darker color on the pouf/ottoman?
I actually love the “bubblegumness” although I wouldn’t have called it that. When I first saw the final pic I thought (in actual thought bubbles) “I really like the blue and pink together and how they aren’t a total obvious choice but are super fun and exciting colors.” Plus it might be nice to have extra ottoman for people that are so tired when they walk in the door and need a place to sit but are tragically TOO tired to make it over to the bench on the other side of the door? Just thoughts…
Oh and can I just add that I have a hot pink lamp too and I love it! NEVER get rid of your pink lamp. Just saying.
Looks amazing!!! I hope I can convince my hubby to make me one!!!! LOVING the pouf with the lamp, really ties into the rug!
Oooooh! I’m so excited to finally see it! Looks AMAZING! Love it, love it, love it!!
LOVE it! LOVE the fretwork. Nice job, Andy! I think it’d look awesome with a gold garden stool (recently saw a few at Home Goods) instead of the blue ottoman.
LOVE this! I don’t know what I like more – your table or your styling! Amazing work all around 😀
LOVE it! You guys are quite the talented team! And I really heart that ottoman. Not bubble-gummy at all! I vote keep it. Love how your foyer is transforming in front of our eyes! Can’t wait to see the final touches!
~Abby =)
The table is PERFECT. I love the poof, but I am not sure if I like it under the table. I would keep it and perhaps use somewhere else…. The pink lamp, while I like the color, I think the size may be out of scale. I love that you try things and are willing to move it all around. Balance is a major part of design…. Have been doing that myself for years. You ROCK! Love your blog.
Hellooooo gorgeous! I love it Kelly. Andy is awesome! It looks AMAZING. Love the pouf and love the lamp, however, I do see the bubblegum conundrum. The pink and blue combo is scrumptious BUT I think the PINK should be a bit grubbier! Think magenta, or mauve, or hot pink…somewhere along those lines. Those seem to be closer to the pinks in your kilim beauty. I don’t think it’s the color that’s throwing it off, it’s the shade/tone. But seriously Andy is amazing..wait I already said that!
Love it! Wow. That man is talented. I need that in the coffee table version please.
This is stunning!! You have the most talented (&patient) hubby ever!! Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately I will not be attempting this any time soon. You guys come up with the greatest ideas. I still can’t wrap my head around how you reimagined that headboard into a smaller bench! Fantastic:)
Beautiful piece! Love the white lacquer look!
That is so pretty! Nice work, Kelly (and hubby). 🙂
I can’t believe he made that table! Holy smokes. I kind of want to sit in you foyer with a steaming cup of coffee and stare dreamily at said table. That, or rub my face on your rug. I absolutely adore your color scheme and the way you pull it together. I personally do NOT think it looks too bubblegum! I tend to lean towards bringing in a more ‘aged’ look when I have a collection of clean lines. I would put some sort of distressed wooden stool or woven natural material in place of the pouf BUT i totally think what you have going works very well. Congrats on almost finishing the foyer! Way to go!
I love our foyer. That rug is to die for! I agree with you about the ottoman and the lamp together looking a little too sweet. I’d probably keep the ottoman and replace the lamp! Love your blog!
Oh my gosh it looks awesome you two!!! I love the ottoman and lamp too, but I totally get that you may want something that you love even more. 🙂
Oh Kelly. I’m catching up; seems like I live my life in catch up mode these days! I’m in bed with a cup of coffee (boys are at grandma’s today, hurrah!) and I am just loving.every.thing. You are making me want to be more bold in my style because I ADORE your house; I want to fly your whole family to Maine (maybe next year, when it’s WARM) and have our kids play and have you go shopping with me and have Andy convince Erick that teaching is for the birds and diy’ing as a job for his wife would be a wonderful thing. 🙂 {teaching IS for the birds this year; I think it wouldn’t take much to convince him!} Maybe we’ll get there someday!
Missed you something fierce at Allume; I can say without a shadow of a doubt that you would love it next year. It was a smashing success!
Happy 30s girl!! Wahoo!
I love it! All of it together! I think the pouf color ties nicely with the book colors and rug (assuming the books stay there, but even if they don’t it looks great!). But let me just say that should you decide the pouf isn’t really what you want in that space… I will happily give you my address and take it off your hands! 🙂
The table is amazing. Absolutely amazing. Do you have any other thoughts on the spray paint? It’s $18 a bottle and wanted to know if you thought it was worth the extra $$. Is the finish any different than an enamel spray paint? Also, you have a great eye and the colors look beautiful together. You can keep the blue/pink (which I’m enjoying in your space) or switch it up. Either way it’ll work.
This looks SOOOOOO GOOD. It doesn’t look like something I’d even consider tackling, so your husband gets mad props.
Wow! Love this table. I must make one. Even though I have nowhere to put it 🙂
Also, Love a man in safety glasses!
Love! Where did you find the rug?
Here are the details on the rug:
I love both sides of the foyer and love the rug. But to tie the two sides together I would switch out one of the bubble gum colors. Maybe an ottoman of navy or other deep blue. And I love the idea of adding a gold glaze to the mirror. Or any touch of natural texture to tie with the bench/basket opposite.
I understand why you think that something is “off” but I don’t think it’s the colors. Instead, I would look at the scale of the lamp. The color of the lamp is great, but perhaps in a smaller dose? In any case, I would start by trying a smaller lampshade…one with a narrower profile…perhaps a cylindrical shade. Also, I would change out the existing books for books of a smaller scale.
Love the table. It works well in the space. It should be the star. Right now, I just can’t help but think that the overall vignette might be improved by changing out the scale of the items on the table. They seem to take the focus away from the table.
Also, I would try to bring some gold/brass to the mirror (or, switch the mirror out for a slightly smaller one.)
It’s such a delight to see areas of a home decorated in something other than earth tones. 😉
Oh Kelly, how I’ve missed you inspiration!!!! I had a lot going on, then my computer died, I replaced it with three different ones (couldn’t find that ‘right’ fit) so I lost all of my bookmarks. Now I’m finally settling back in to my routine and remembered your blog name (that in and of itself is a miracle since I can’t remember my kids’ names most of the time) and so I’m settling in for some heavy duty blog catching up to do!!! Can’t wait to find out if you changed the lamp or stool. I think the colors of both bring out the colors of the rug great but you’re right, they are a bit too bright. I think changing the color of the flowers to white might be better, bring down the “bubblegumminess” if you will. Now I’ll probably read on and see that you’ve fallen in love with both items, lol.
Anyway, happy to have you back and see everything going on with you!
I think it’s a little too wide for that space. But it is jaw-droppingly gorgeous, well done!
I really like your fretwork table. Our front door looks just like yours except it opens the opposite way. I am going to go measure how much room we have to the one side. I have a table there now, but it is square and it dents the door if the door goes back too quickly. Thank you for your great ideas and encouragement; it helps to have someone make suggestions that you think are not way, way out of your possible ability! Please keep the ideas coming, and good luck to you. me
I know this post is old. Yet I still like what you did with the foyer. The whole setup is wonderful. Only thing different I would of done was put a purple lamp up, That would of been my personal choice. The lamp and poof tied to the rug beautifully. The table and mirror are the perfect backdrops. With all that you can definitely be able to change the décor with the seasons.