At church last weekend I got to hold this squishy little man, breathe in all his newborn baby-ness and watch his sporadic pacifier smiles.
I think there might’ve been a sermon, too? I don’t know?
I will hold all the babies and stare at their faces. So hard.
That’s my friend Erin’s baby boy, Anselm, the one whose nursery we’ve been talkin’ about lately.
Here’s the before:
And this was our little plan for his vintage, calming nursery:
Ready to see how it turned out?
Basically, it turned out a lot like this:

Comfy. Personal. Different. I dig it.
The crib was recycled from her two older boys, and Erin made that wire quote above the crib. (See how to make your own easy wire word art here!) It’s from an old hymn and says “Be not dismayed whatever betide… beneath his wings of love abide.” I like how it feels handmade, quirky and personal, and the idea of a quote from an old hymn is SO Erin and her fam.

Are you catching that little glimmer of gold shining out from inside the lamp shade? Just when you thought things were going to be completely rustic with the wood wall, the lamp shade’s all: “NOPE! Here’s some glam! Comin’ atcha!”

That is the single most sophisticated chair ever to grace a nursery.
I like to think if you and I work together, we can spread the word to the whole world that you do not need that ugly glider chair from Babies R Us in your nursery! Did you know that all over the world, there are babies growing up completely healthy and surviving without that glider chair?! It’s true.
Anselm gets to hang out in this stunning upholstered bergere chair that his mom got from a yard sale years ago, and gaze up at a golden lampshade. He’s already more cultured than I am.
That didn’t take much.
The little side table’s from target and it echoes the smidge of gold from the pendant shades. It’s a nice little contrast with the wood wall.

Opposite the chair is the little reading nook where the two older brothers read and play while mom’s taking care of the squishy babe. (Check out the tutorial here on how to make your own reading nook.)

Big brothers needed a place to keep their trains, cars and books, naturally. So Erin and her hubby took an old kitchen cabinet, painted it and added some legs and a top real quick. (Seriously, they just whip stuff up like this in five minutes.)

Erin has so many cool vintage toys and styling goodies she’s picked up from thrift stores and yard sales. We had lots of fun playing with them when we were taking these pics.

Erin recycled an old dresser she had for the changing table. I don’t take too many controversial stands on the blog (here’s one of them) but I am personally very anti-changing table. (Or “pro-dresser,” depending on how you look at it.) It just doesn’t make sense to buy a piece of furniture that has one purpose that expires in two years, when you can own a dresser this beautiful and use it for all times.

When my friends mention wanting to buy changing tables, I yell “nooooooooo!” in slow motion, and try to stop them by laying on their driveway so they can’t leave and go buy one.
It’s exhausting standing up for what’s right.
And not minding your own business.
Oh yeah, see the shaggy rug?

Erin and I did. See how to make your own faux fur rug right here! It turned out way better (both in form and function) than I expected. Also, it was cheap and it’s washable. Win!
This is a cool vintage rocking horse THAT IS LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU.
So that whole nursery cost about $400. The whole dang thing. I like that it’s not trying too hard to be a nursery. It’s just a room with cool stuff and there’s not a single theme-y thing in sight. My favorite thing is that this room just feels like Erin and her family. It’s personal and it feels like them.
Also I want that chair. But I’m going to let Erin keep it for a while because she has to nurse the baby. And because it’s her chair, technically. That she bought before we ever met.

What’s your favorite part? Did you have a glider chair growing up, or did you overcome the odds?
this looks awesome, and will grow so well with him!! I love that owl-y rug layered on top of the fluffy one, and the cabinet they hacked. a+’s all around!! haha
It’s absolutely beautiful and so different. I really dig it too 😉
I agree wholeheartedly on the no changing table and no glider front! Of course I had both for my kids because that was before I had a clue and read blogs. I want to know about the rug!!!!
love it! the window nook and the art above the crib are my favorites!
Cannot believe you made that shaggy rug! I’ve been looking for something like that for AGES and have yet to pull the trigger. I think I’ll wait a little longer for your tutorial. 🙂
I love the reading nook for the brothers. What a great idea to be able to 1) keep an eye on them while tending to squishy babiness and 2) deal with any potential “mom’s only with the baby” feelings.
Also love the dresser instead of changing table. I’m filing that away for future knowledge.
love, love, love. Did I say love?! So, super cute! xo Kristin
I am an old granny (Chief to my grands) who is watching all you girls and your young ones. My nurseries were pre-theme and pre Babies-R-Us. My changing table was two low dressers with a bridge (drawer with top) that a motel chain sold when they redecorated. I painted it pink, changed the handles French Provincial and applied a little swag of daisies in the center of the top drawers. Another daisy decal on the crib. Early DIY and really cheap. We were given the bed and painted it pink also. This was all done after my daughter was born. No ultra sound either back then.
Sounds perfect! “early DIY” — love it!
Love, Love the nursery. I never had a changing table or a glider- felt the exact same way as you do- too many beautiful pieces of furniture that can be used forever! The baby is a doll!
that cabinet is awesome (well all the other decor is amazing, too, but I have cabs on the brain) are there more detailed shots of the legs they attached?
This is so good kelly! Love the mix of rustic and glam. I especially love the little reading nook!!
I wish I had that kind of creativity! LOVE EVERYTHING!
Um, I’m think gliders weren’t invented yet when I was a child. Neither were cell phones. Well, rich people had “car” phones, the large bricklike ones. My sister wanted to unplug our house phone (no cordless ones yet) and bring it in the car and pretend to talk on it so people would think we were rich.
Anyway. Great job on the nursery, love the textures and subtleties. And I’m due to have my eighth squishy baby in a few weeks; feel free to come snuggle him if you can wrest him away from his siblings 🙂 I will have more kids than pairs of shoes at that point and don’t mind sharing.
I don’t know what made me click on the nursery reveal since my babies are practically adults (7 and 9), but I’m so glad I did! That room is just beautiful. I’m in love with the wire phrasing. I also have to say, I really enjoyed reading the post. So well written and funny. I could feel your excitement about the room coming through. Also, when I read the sentence “(Check out the tutorial here on how to make your own reading nook.)”, my brain skipped ahead and I thought it was going to be a tutorial on how to make a squishy baby. That would have been weird.
hahaha. While a tutorial on baby-making would probably get some traffic, it might not be the kind of attention I want to attract. 😛
I love this room. It feels cozy and comfy and like home. Lived in. Not pretentious, just like it’s exactly what they need right now. You guys did a great job!
And um, can we have an old west shoot em’ up draw for the chair? I mean when she’s done with it, of course. 🙂
GASP! Those lights! Oh my. Need… source… Can’t go on… without them…
(Or a nice DIY would be great, too) 🙂
Katie, those lampshades are from the Nate Berkus line at Target! I’m not sure, but they may still have some available.
Erin, you’re my hero! XOXO
LOVE this nursery. Full of character and warm and wonderful. I think my favorite part (besides that amazing wall they put in there) is the chair! I might have had a glider chair for my son (sheepish shaking of head), MIGHT have. I might have blocked that chair memory a little but THIS one would live on in my head forever! I can’t wait to see how you gals made that rug!
I totally had it too! No shame. We can blame it on a lack of good options. 🙂
What a cool nursery! That is seriously awesome!
I love the entire room! I think I especially love it for the fact that it doesn’t scream nursery, rather it quietly whispers “me and my family live here – happily”. And that I think, is what every room should say. And you cracked me up with the whole smelling the baby and staring at the baby – Really hard!! LOL, hysterical!
What a sweet sweet nursery! The dresser is my favorite piece- what a stunner. And yeah- I’ve never gotten the changing table thing when you could just use a dresser. One of those scams to make money for companies I do believe.
Cant wait to see how you made the rug!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this space! It’s put together so beautifully, without looking “too styled” so it’s still very functional for the space it’s meant for. And that kitchen cabinet/side cabinet….brilliant! Love the wood top added to it.
I dont’ have a glider, but I do have a Lazy-boy type rocking chair I use. Nothing beats rocking little ones to sleep & comfy chair for nursing. Why can’t they make more stylish, comfy rocking chairs???
That’s what I have in Mila’s nursery too. I actually did have one of those glider things in Weston’s nursery, because there just aren’t enough good options!
Looks incredible. Love the Krans’ style. It’s right up my alley. 🙂
It’s lovely! I love the reading nook. My mom had an oak mission style rocker when I was a baby. Very similar to this one: When I became a mom, I bought an upholstered glider from Best Chairs. It’s really comfortable, and I still like it. It’s tomato red, and I think it just looks like a chair. Definitely not like the wooden ones with cushions and matching glider footstools at Babies ‘R Us. 😉 I have to disagree about the changing table. Ours was cheap, worked perfectly for its intended purpose, and then got donated when the diaper days were over. I have no qualms with the uni-tasker that is the traditional changing table, as long as you’re honest with yourself about what it is and what it isn’t, and know when to pass it on.
I’ve seen this nursery in person and it’s truly a masterpiece, just like the little boy who gets to have it as his very own.
Oh kelly, this is so fabulous. And I once again find myself giggling at your use of wit and humor!! I would be there with you lying on the driveway to let my friends know that a changing table is NOT the answer! Nevermind that we MAY have one in our son’s room…..
I love the room and I agree that it’s totally their style! And just say no to theme, theme, theme nurseries!
OMG amazing. I cannot believe how inexpensive it was too. This is the coolest nursery- that kid is super lucky!! Also YES to the dresser instead of changing table. Totally the way to go! 🙂
What a beautiful room! The quote on the wall is so fun! I can’t wait to hear how you made that rug! So cozy and stylish!! I love how that kitchen cabinet turned out! And that rug… I can’t wait to see how ya’ll made that! (becauseIwantone) Anselm is a lucky (and VERY handsome) little guy!! 🙂
I. Love. This. When I have children, this is what I dream the nursery will look like – not themey, classic and my style. Also, rest easy, because I will never buy a changing table – no need to stand in my driveway 😉
i don’t even have a kid but i want this nursery to get in my house right meow!
love the nice big comfy chair,….that is not a glider! Love the rustic mixed with glam. it’s so me! i mean, my future baby!
Oh My Gawsh I love it so much! It is the most sophisticated-without-trying-so-hard nursery I’ve ever seen! I just dumped a glider at my yard sale last weekend. It was the traditional one you mention, but it was my sister’s and I did cover it in fat brown suede, okay it was just so comfortable, all right?? I know I know, I am hanging my head in shame. …I also bought a changing table dresser, hump and all. (But I sawed that hump off later…#win…right?) Oh and I too want to hold ALL the babies. ALL of them.
I love my glider but that’s just me. 🙂 I find them comfortable. Right now my glider is on loan to a friend who finds them equally comfy.
And changing tables? Y’know what, I just changed my babies on the floor. My husband and I are both very tall and have to bend over at awkward backache-inducing angles to change babies on a changing table. So we just got in the habit of doing it on the floor.
Oh my goodness, if that doesn’t make me want a baby!!!
You completely nailed it with this room Kelly. I love every single thing in there. Perfect mix of eclectic and vintage with some gold glam.
Lookit the baby!! Please don’t post things like that ever again. I am ALL DONE, I tell you! ;). Great room….I’m excited to hear how you did the rug–Abe’s reading corner still needs a rug!
I’m with you on the anti-change table agenda. Let’s start a petition 🙂 Dressers really are so much more versatile and long lasting. Great job on the nursery by the way. It’s so smartly done.
Tis’ true that I am in love with this nursery. I am applauding both you and Erin, as you both did such a fantastic job. In God’s timing I will also have a baby’s room to decorate, and I will definitely be borrowing/stealing a few of your ideas. Do you happen to know the kind of wire she used for the wall decor? I will definitely be coming back for the tutorial on the rug. How genius!
I am obsessed with the bergere. And just bergeres in general, really. It was the first thing I noticed here. Gorgeous!! The whole room…but that chair…I mean, how can I possibly think about anything else now?
Love the nursery and I agree 110% about those glider rockers, I hate them (just my personal opinion). However, when people then decide to use them in their living room after their baby has grown up, that is unforgivable!! My parents bought us a beautiful handmade rocking chair for my first son and we do still have it in our bedroom. I have to admit to owning a change table 13 years ago, but I don’t still have it now so hopefully that counts for something 🙂
Incredible!! Love it Kelly! You know I have a baby…in need of a nursery…maybe not as squishy but lots of smiles and giggles will happen!
The whole room makes me happy! I especially love the hymn above the crib. What gage of wire did she use/tutorial please!
Such beauty! I love the way the quote looks. Everything is just so warm and inviting and just plain perfect.
Looks lovely! I’m currently considering my options, I’m decorating my sewing/craft room which will (hopefully, eventually !!) become our nursery. I’ve found and done up a fab desk, and am thinking that rather than banish it when a baby comes along, it could become a changing table? What do you think? What did you add to the top of your cabinet to make it changetable-worthy? I’ve found some cute oilcloth that I thought might be practical and pretty? Would love to hear your thoughts on must-have components for a changetable-that’s-not!
Hi Jacqui! I’ve just put a changing table pad on top of the dresser. You can find those pads at any baby store. I don’t see why a desk couldn’t double as a changing table. 🙂
You know what? I don’t think you need to do anything to it to make it a changing table. Just plop a changing pad on top and you’re set. That’s all I did with either of my kids’ dresser/changing tables. Love the idea of making the desk do double-duty! As long as there’s enough storage there, it’ll be perfect!
I can honestly say I have never, ever seen a nursery like this, but I really like it a lot! It’s rustic, and calming, and so, so sweet.
Super cute! I love all the textures in there-
Well, the kitchen cabinet with legs and a top that has morphed into super chic toy storage still has me picking my jaw off the floor. Also, you didn’t mention it in words, but I have a little crush on what I’m guessing is a book cover framed in that big chunky ornate frame. I just love how the entire room isn’t theme-oriented and is so full of cute touches of sophisticated whimsy.
OMG. This is gorgeous and my style 100%! Can you post how they did the wood? Is that just pallet wood, distressed, worn and stained? Please tell us how! I want to do that in my whimsical guest room attic.
PS – Kelly, you make me literally LOL – at my computer. My husband always comes running in and wants to see what’s so funny. Haha. Can we be best friends?
PPS – Since we are now best friends, I must tell you – I got a puppy! We named her Eames and we are teaching her to “Lounge” (sit). Put it together: Eames Lounge (my favorite chair of allllllllllll time). I really hope you got that joke or else I just made a fool of myself.
HAHAHAHA!! I love it. I would crack up every. single. time. 🙂 Totally jealous you got a pup! I’ve been lobbying for a dog or cat for a while!
Widdle baby. I had to try to get past that cute bundle of joy (baby fever much)? love how this turned out. A nice rustic theme without screaming theme! Good work team!
Gorgeous, gorgeous. I want a nursery to decorate now (and a second kid). I love the room and the price tag and the no glider. I am glider free too 🙂
I agree with you on the glider its such an eyesore, and the changing table…my baby outgrew the one that came included with the pack and play and she’s only 5 months. Thank God we did not invest on a piece of furniture to change diapers!
I love that reading nook!
Love the whole ambiance of this room. I had a huge recliner for my last two (youngest is now 26) and loved that it was big enough the others could cuddle with us while I was nursing. Grandkids’ Mom is an awesome decorator, and loves to rearrange a lot, so there’s always something new every time I visit.
Wow! This is just beautiful. Every little detail. I love the barn wood wall (of course), but I’m just digging every single part. The chair – the gold in the lamp – the artwork above the walls – the cabinet turned storage. (I Need to add legs to a kitchen cabinet, stat.)
Well done.
Awe, what a great room… I am not sure what I like best… the quote? the rug? that cabinet? I could go on. Can’t wait to see how you made the rug!!
Oh don’t even get me started on the glider and changing table epidemic. It makes no sense to me. I love that chair. It is classic and elegant. The entire nursery is. We are in the midst of doing our nursery. I have so many ideas floating through my head. I can’t wait for the rug tutorial.
What a gorgeous nursery! I, too, am completely 100% anti-glider and anti-changing table. Both ugly. That being said, I used (and ended up loving) a super-ugly, fluffy, horrible shade of blue, rocker recliner. But you know, when I needed to sleep with the baby, I just laid right on back and was very comfortable. So, it was worth it in the end. Especially since I slept with baby #3 probably 5 out of 7 nights a week for several months. It’s only been 2 1/2 months since I slept in that chair…I don’t miss it. I look forward to the day the chair goes to recliner heaven…
Oh I hear ya! When you’re sleeping in that chair, it matters exactly 0% what it looks like and 100% how comfy it is. Glad to hear you’re back in your bed and getting some more sleep!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen my husband so expressive about a nursery. He’s over my shoulder saying “that’s bad-a$$.” Wonderful job, I love it. I just want to walk in that room and stare at things. And then sit in that chair, and maybe read a book in that nook, and then take a nap in that crib. well done!
Ha, awesome! Thanks!
Hi Everyone,
Don’t want to be a Debbie downer but they are now saying we should not be using bumper pads on the cribs now as children have being killed by ones that came loose etc.
I love it!! That corner wall is amazing!!!
It’s a truly beautiful nursery. It feels calm, warm.. and there is so much beautiful texture.
Lucky, lucky baby boy!! What a stunning nursery! I love the “collected” feel and the rustic/glam combo! And the brothers must love that tent–so fun! Thanks for sharing, friend! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
I LOOOOOVE this nursery!! I have a little one due in October and I am definitely stealing a few ideas from this nursery. Question (and it could be a dumb one) how did she make the wire phrase? Like, obviously she just bent it, but what kind of wire was used and were there any tools she used? I NEED to do one in the nursery, or my other children’s’ rooms, or in every room. Too much?
Congrats on the little one! I just posted a tutorial for the word art, and it was totally so easy you’ll be tempted to do one (or five) in every room. 🙂
Yessss! You’re awesome! Thanks!!!
This would of been my nursery had I known you then. I already had the antique dresser turned changing table (for all 6 kids mind you!) but since I had no style, taste, or idea how to actually have a beautiful nursery, a dresser-changer was all I had.
I love this nursery! I don’t like “themed” nurseries either and the best part is that almost everything in that room can stay as the baby gets older! And AMEN on the changing table! Love the dresser! 🙂
I am with you on the changing table. It just seems silly to me. And if you aren’t cloth diapering, I don’t see the need for an official changing station at all. (For cloth it makes sense to me because you have trash cans everywhere but only your diaper pail in one place.) I’m a rebel though. When I was teaching the toddler class for 2 years, I didn’t even lay them down to change them. Unless it was an explosively bad diaper.
Love love love the nursery!!! I would love to know the name of the paint color on the changing table/dresser.
She just mixed that color herself using spare paint she had laying around.
The DIY rug is pure genius!! What type of faux fur did you choose for the rug? Also, what length/pile?
You can see all the details on the rug here:
I love the chair and the old hymn quote,the entire room is fab.
This is beautiful!! I have an 8 month old daughter and although I do like her pink walls (totally cliche, I know!) I realize, the longer I’m living in my house and the more blogs I’m discovering I see myself drawn to rooms like this. They are airy and bright, yet have a sturdy almost masculine (am I the only one who likes the this??) feel to them. Great job, again, VERY beautiful and simple. Just love!
If you ever have the chance, I just started my journey of blogging my own diy home improvements, please check it out! Any feedback is appreciated 🙂
OMG I LOVE THIS!!!!! Kelly!!! Ahhhhh!!! Seriously one of the coolest nursery’s I have EVER seen! I am sharing it on the Domestic Superhero FB page right now!
I love the style! I want to copy it for my future bedroom!
And then I want a closet that looks as bright and fresh as yours! I guess there is no logical transition between the two…
The nursery looks beautiful. It is exactly what I had in mind for my future baby’s room. Just FYI the plant on the table next to the chair is pretty poisonous to people and pets. I worked in a nursery where we sold them and I was always sure to tell people! Maybe you already knew, but I wanted to share anyway.
What is the name of the blue paint color for the dresser/non-changing table?
That’s a color that Erin mixed herself with spare paint she had.
I love the changing pad cover, where is that from?
It’s just a loose furry piece of fabric draped over the changing pad. 🙂
Love every single bit of this! Can you tell me where the chalk board is from?
Any idea what the lovely paint color on the walls is?
Love this nursery!! I’ve been looking for a changing pad cover just like that! Can you tell me where it was purchased?
Hi Shanna, it’s just covered with leftover fur from the rug with a sheepskin on top. 🙂
I am going to try to create that rug! i love it, where is the owl rug from on top of it?
We found that owl rug at a yard sale. 🙂 it’s lived in every room in the house!
I love everything but I’m wondering what color is the paint?
Lindsey, the wall color is Daydream Haze by Valspar. 🙂
I would love to know the color of the dresser!! Am expecting a little boy in April, and would LOVE that dresser color!
Hi Meridith! The dresser is Midnight Hour by Olympic. 🙂
Meredith*, sorry! D:
This is amazing! Can you explain how they created the wooden wall corner?
what color is the wall paint?
The wall color is Daydream Haze by Valspar. 🙂
Oh my gosh!!! This is my dream for a boy… perfectly imperfect! I wish there were more details. Wall Colour…paint colour for the cabinets. Ceiling explanation, etc. Do you have any more details to share???
Hi Andrea! The wall color is Daydream Haze by Valspar and the dresser/changing table is (if I remember correctly) Midnight Hour by Olympic. 🙂 The dark grey cabinet is just mixed from paint leftovers we had around the house.
do you have a source for the color paint used on the dresser? i’m expecting my little boy in just under three months and want to paint a dresser a similar color. thanks for your help!
I simply love this nursery AND your writing style. I really enjoyed visiting your blog. Found you via pinterest.
Love this nursery!! I was wondering where you got the knobs on the dresser/changing table. Love them!
Hi there, where is your mobile from or is it a diy?
Love the dresser! About to do the same to one of ours. What color did they use?? I love the matte finish
Love the dresser! What brand and color did they use??
i love the lamp that looks like a flower bud, where is it from?
I love this nursery! I’m having a boy in August, and I have a dresser that I plan on painting in that same color now. I wanted to know where you got the material for the reading nook. I’m trying to find the right curtains to go in the nursery. I love that material because it’s classic and not too baby.
I love the color of the dresser. Do you happen to remember the paint brand and color??
what color is the dresser/changing table?
Where did you
Find the knobs for your navy dresser/changing table? I love them! Thanks!
I love how this turned out!! Im totally on board with your anti changing table thing. I used an old kitchen island and it works perfect. Speaking of which, I was wondering if you knew what Color the dresser is painted? My changing table needs a makeover for baby #2 and that color looks perfect!
I am old enough to be everyone’s grandmother, have no children or grandchildren (guess that follows), and, hence, have no need for a nursery but I haven’t had so much fun reading a blog in a long time. Thank you so much.
i just love this nursery it’s beautiful and fun. I really would love to know the colour on the chest of drawers xx
I love this nursery! Especially the dresser! 🙂 What paint color was used?
I wandered to this page in your blog after reading the incredibly clever post about making the shag rug!! Ummm can I say what a GORGEOUSLY handsome nursery! Come decorate my house… it’s so blah. Haha. Can I ask where the small owl rug came from?
Where did she find the fur changing pad cover
Love this room makeover! Where did you find the flower dot lamp?
It’s not really necessary to call gliders from
Babies R Us “ugly”. I just picked out a gorgeous one that is really comfortable. No need to put down some of your readers personal choices! The chair in this nursery reveal is very pretty and you could have gotten your point across about liking this chair without being rude about other options.
What color paint is the dresser?
I absolutely adore this nursery! – especially the chalkboard 🙂 What are the dimensions?
What colors of paint were used on the changing table and other cabinet? What color did you use on the walls?! Love it!