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My Personal New Years Resolutions

Yep, I’m doing a new years resolution post, in addition to the recent post on our house goals for 2012. Now that I’ll be a stay-at-home/work-from-home mama, I want to take advantage of my time and not let myself go completely out of control with the couch-sitting and laptop-surfing and eating-of-cookies.

My probable future.

I’ve had to narrow down my list a little so I don’t try to save the entire world in the month of January, get overwhelmed and crawl into a hole to hide. So here’s what I’m hoping to accomplish in 2012:

1. Set up a facebook page for this lil ol’ blog.

I haven’t done it yet because I’m a giant coward and I’m afraid if I do, I’ll only get three people to “like” the page, and two of them will be my mom and Andy because I won’t give them a choice. The third will be me, and that’s almost more lame than only having two fans, right? But I’m totally doing it. This month.

2. Pray more intentionally and regularly for my husband and kids.

To give myself a little structure, I combined a (now deleted) calendar to help pray for your kids and this one on praying for your husband, then rearranged the days a little so I could combine similar topics. If you want to do something similar, feel free to use my little document. Click here to save it for yourself, or you can pin it on pinterest. In fact, here’s a little image for your pinning pleasure:

4. Open an Etsy shop… ??

This one gets question marks at the end so I leave myself some wiggle room because it’s pretty scary to officially put it down on paper… er, laptop. But I think I want to design photo cards and such. It’s a few months away from actually happening, but I hear 2012 will be at least 12 months long so that should be okay.

6. Write to our compassion kids quarterly.

We sponsor a couple of kids through Compassion International, and one of the best parts is that you can write to them and they send you sweet little notes and drawings, except that we are terrible sponsors because we always forget to write. Not anymore. Quarterly letters are happening. Fabulous letters. Intriguing, interesting letters.

7. Get back in pre-baby shape by the end of the year.

Baby is due in April, so that should be enough time. I’m counting on my Insanity workouts to pull through!

Will this be enough to head off the cookie-monstering? I give no guarantees. Did you set resolutions this year? How’s it going, six days in?

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  1. You will at least have FOUR people like your facebook page 🙂

  2. I have no doubt that you can tackle everything on this list! Oh and I’ll happily be your 4th like 🙂

  3. YOU CAN DO IT! All of it!! I’m definitely going to check out your prayer document – I could use a little structure in that area of my life as well. Also, I’ll like your facebook page so that’ll be 4. AND you have NOTHING to lose with starting an Etsy store!! Jen and I will feature you. Lots. 🙂

  4. Oops just saw what Skye said, so I’ll be #5. 🙂

  5. Congratulations on the baby!
    Your reasons for not setting up a facebook page are exactly the same as mine LOL. But I’ll definitely like your page 🙂

  6. Sounds like you’re going to be a busy girl in 2012…but its better to be busy then bored (totally something my mom says haha)

    p.s. come check out my custom blog giveaway! 🙂 Not that you need a new design…yours is very cute but its always fun to change it up?!?! 🙂


  7. I’m obviously not going to be your 4th like as so many others are beating me to it, but you should definitly do a facebook page, although on second thoughts, that’s another thing to look at… erm,… seriously go for it 🙂

    My new year resolution is to stop wasting time and get the things done that I need to out of the way so I can enjoy my day. I am using for that, a great little tool and I love their backward planners for each thing too. It just means my big tasks are now in bitesize chunks that I can tick off which is great – it was always too big a task whenever I looked at the big picture and very easy to put off.

    Oh, and loose some weight and keep fit so I don’t look like your cookie monster… slowly, slowly catchy monkey with that one… 🙂

  8. Kelly,

    This is perfect! You should stop by on Monday! We are have an “Imagine the Impossiblities” challenge and you could make the Facebook goal your “Impossible” We could all go and friend you!


  9. Erm I’m just reeling from having looked up the ‘Insanity Workout’ and the ’30 Day Shred’. I thought you were all human and foibled but clearly you are an all-out-uber-chick-DIYer with buns of steel. Darn it, you’ve just made me order my first ever fitness DVD. Thanks. I think…

    • Bahaha. I can assure you, I am all human and foibled and currently six months pregnant and DYING to return to buns of steel. 🙂 You’ll LOVE the 30DS/Insanity route. I remember after my first Insanity workout, telling my husband that there’s just NO way you can follow the program and keep much fat on your body at all. Let me know how it goes!

  10. Routing for you all the way! I’ll (along with 100s others) will ‘like’ you on Facebook so you don’t have an excuse now! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  11. Great goals!! I’m with you on the getting body back after baby (my deadline is my 30th birthday in May!) and I definitely would Like you on Facebook 🙂 Etsy, how fun, Compassion kids, I need to do that soon, prayers – how beautiful. Good luck on all of these resolutions!

  12. Kelly. You have the best, most humble, most lovely goals. I want to be like you when I grow up. 🙂

  13. So I don’t have a Facebook page yet either…it was on my 2011 list of New Years Resolutions 🙁

  14. Definitely go for it with the Facebook page! It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers, but it doesn’t really matter. I think a lot of people do like to follow blogs that way though, you’ll do great! As for the Etsy shop, that’s on my list of goals too. I’m a little more hesitant on that for some reason. A lot to take on, that’s for sure. Have a good week!

  15. Hello sweet friend. As always you inspire me! I would love it if you stopped by today for the impossiblity challenge! Your “impossiblity” could even be your new facebook page!


  1. […] who just completed my FIRST new years resolution?! I made a facebook page for the blog late last night, and if you are so inclined, you could head […]

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