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Mila Jane is Six Months Old!

And now I shall show you excessive photos of my sweet baby girl. She turned six months old on Wednesday, and I am just NOT okay with that.
baby girl on sheepskin
Mila Jane is the sweetest little thing. I remember when I was pregnant with her and Andy told me that she was not just this baby doll that existed for me to play dress-up with. Proved him wrong!
baby girl in turquoise tutu
I love love LOVE having a little girl, like a million times more than I even expected. After I feed her in the mornings and carry her back to her crib, my little snuggle bug nestles her face right in my neck. Best feeling in the whole entire world.
smiling baby on sheepskin
She’s started saying “mama,” although in her baby accent, it sounds like she’s saying something else. You can see what I mean in this video:

See? Sounds like dada, but she’s saying mama.

Mila is the love of Weston’s life. He has never, even for the tiniest moment, acted jealous of her. He just wants to talk to her in his special baby-talk that he invented, and invade her personal space. She thinks he’s HILARIOUS.

I have soaked up Mila’s baby stage with everything I have. Maybe it’s a second-child thing, but I get how fast this baby stuff goes now, so I’m in no hurry for the next stage.

I’ll take the cuddles, the goos, the perfect baby-size, the soft sweet skin and the freedom to dress her up in outrageously large hair flowers as long as I can. She makes me turn all mushy and heart-melty.

Now I’m just writing more words so I can have an excuse to add more photos.

I’m totally obsessed with my baby.

I think I’ll keep her.

The end.

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  1. what a face!! what and angel!

  2. How time does fly…

  3. Ha, with those month-by-month pictures, I just keep seeing her dancing. “To the windoooooow, to the WALL!” Those moves are gangsta with a little dash of ‘NSYNC.

  4. Holy cow. Make her stop growing!!

  5. Ah this makes me miss babies. What a beautiful girl, I hope Andy is ready to lock her up and throw away the key or have a shotgun or two in a few years! Love her hair, so pretty and with flower clips in it too. Baby girls are way more fun to dress than boys. My daughters even love looking at baby girl clothes in stores and ask for a baby sister so they can dress her up. Mila you are a beauty, just like your mommy!

  6. I don’t think you need any excuse to add more photos- we’ll take them! She’s gorgeous! I hadn’t realized you had a daughter named Mila- my niece’s name is Myla and I’ve never met/heard of another.

    This post made my uterus ache. haha.

  7. I so enjoyed the pictures of Mila. I love that name, I have a niece who is named Milana – very fun.
    It is wonderful to see you taking so many pictures of your second baby. I didn’t and every once and again my youngest (the 2nd child) reminds me of it !! LOL !! For heavens sake, he’s 35 and needs to get over it !!
    Anyway, just wanted to let you know that Mila is beautiful and it makes me smile to see how much joy you get from being her Mom!

  8. Aw, she is gorgeous!

  9. What an adorable little girl! I’m so jealous your child has hair!! My 4.5 month old baby boy has no hair. Nothing. Nada. He is as bald as a cue ball! LOL!

  10. Keep her!?! If not, I’ll take her, she’s adorable and the head bows just add to it:) Of course Weston loves her, you are doing an awesome job mommy-ing two!


  11. You are hilarious, as always. She’s totally saying “Mama” – I can vouch for you. 😉 And you’re rockin’ the photos of her, too. I’m so proud of you! Give that adorable girl and her amazing big bro a kiss from “Aunt” Angie. Love you!

  12. Oooh, is it weird that I’m jealous of Mila’s hair? I’ve stooped to new lows….jealous of a six-month-old. It just looks so soft and fluffy!

  13. So sweet! I have this bad feeling that pregnancy feels like forever (because i want to hit everyone who says “it’s the fastest 9 months of your life”) and then the baby will get here and then the fastest 9 months of my life with start and the 9 months after that… and so on. Enjoy every minute!

  14. She’s absolutely adorable! I could just eat her up! (Figuratively of course ;))

  15. Your little one has the greatest smile! Seriously, one of the cutest babies ever with that big grin. I found myself at the computer, grinning right back, like a big moron. You’re so lucky she lets you put the flowers in her hair. My oldest, now 9, use to tell me, “Take that bow-hair off my head!” Now the 4 year old rips them out too. Maybe I should have started bows/flowers at an earlier age….hmmmm. Thanks for sharing your sweet girl!

  16. You oughta do a post… a really long one I’m thinking… on how you do your blog + your reno + make gargantuan hair doodads + take regular pics of Mila + run a household + plus take care of your kids. And whatnot. I can’t do anything justice if I try to do so much and you are obviously doing a stupendous job.

  17. I just want to scoop her up and give her a giant squeeze and hug and nuzzle … and breath in that precious baby smell!



  18. Too precious. She’ll be driving before you know it!
    xo Heidi

  19. The dada, I mean, mama video made me laugh… especially the last few seconds. She’s too cute!

  20. Oh my, she is precious!! What great pictures….and yes, they do grow fast!!! I know, my daughter will be 20 in December! And my “baby” (my son) is 14. Time flies….enjoy every, single second!

  21. She’s beautiful! And I bet you can get away with giant flowers for at least another 15-20 years. She won’t mind.

  22. I love all of the photos!!! Beautiful! But I can’t believe she stole my tutu again.

  23. She is absolutely adorable! I didn’t realize how close in age she and Elias are! (I, on the other hand, am glad for the infant stage to be going away!)

  24. She is beautiful….just like her mama!!!

  25. She’s adorable! My, how quickly time goes by.

  26. I have never added more text to add more photos. Never. Ever. Ever. I pinky swear.

    A D O R A B L E baby, my friend!

    Happy Sunday!

  27. She is an absolute angel. An angel! She makes me want to add another one to our brood – but don’t tell D i said so. At least not yet. 😉

  28. She is just beautiful! I am sure the time is flying by; my little guy is already a month old…eek!

  29. Goodness, so much stylish adorable-ness in one great post! Love the different looks and styles.


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